Upcoming DUI Checkpoint & Free Uber Ride

There will be a DUI checkpoint Friday June 15th in Concord & other areas of Contra Costa! The checkpoint will be held from 7pm to 1:30pm. We will be announcing the locations as they come available. If you see one, let us know!

If you would like to be updated on DUI checkpoints and other police activity in Contra Costa, it’s HIGHLY recommended that you joining our email list, Facebook page, twitter feed or bookmark us and check back often!  We will continue to make people of Contra Costa County aware of DUI Checkpoints, Smog Checkpoints, Saturation Patrols, and other travel related events. As far as we know, DiabloReporter.com is the ONLY site that gives out specific times and locations of checkpoints in the County.

To report a checkpoints or for more information on the legalities concerning checkpoints, please visit our DUI page.

If you happen to drive through any checkpoints, send us your pictures or videos to diabloreporter@mail.com or submit the info here and we would be happy to share them with the rest of our community!


Want to drink and get around safe? Ride free with Uber tonight!

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